Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Found a shopping center almost died

We are really tired buying some supplies .I cant beleive how high everything has gotten in just a month . Going to have to cut back food if my money is to last .The only thing we eat is fruit and bread and I spent 200 dollars on 4 bags of food .This scares me I was warned this would happen with the price of food months ago .I ve heard people that are growing there own food are being put in jail or there crop detroyed becouse the FDA thinks its not safe to eat . They also stated growing a garden of food is just as bad as printing money . I dont think this country has much longer and the dollar will fail . I would not be suprised if me and my son had many more people to meet on the road in the similar situation we are in .Not to mention when I go in public I am not saying what type of people me and my son get bullied by becouse I would be accused of racism and I am not racist .Everytime I go in public they try to start to cut in line dont let us down and lane .Even had one tell my son how she was slowly going to cute my throat so he would watch me suffer . My son and I are scared and feel alone . Like there is no where to go for help .So I guess Im going to have to man up,stand up .I dont like that I like peace but I am going to protect me and my son and all we have left .I didnt like what I did last night ,even felt bad while doing it ,but people need to start standing up for whats theres . It  was the hardest thing I ever had to do was leave and sale everything I worked all my life for .The way I look at some time is there where going to take it anyway . I miss having a home to sleep in and I miss my bed .I  miss my son having a yard to play in . But Im not blind my son is not blind .We see where things are going ,and its not going to be nice . The cops that stole my money and my sons lunch money and called me a hooker did us a favor and gave all the more reason to get the heck out of the city . I predict in the next few months to meet more people like us .You can only put up with so much so long .I really got sick to my stomache when I worked and made 3,000 dollars before taxes and after taxes I end up with 1500 dollar check . Why work for someone else . Makes no since to me why I ever did .Nice job Obama we dont have a home anymore .

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